Optimize Your Immune System with These Superfoods

By Kandra Lacour

None of us enjoys being ill. Most individuals spend a lot of time thinking about how to stay healthy and even take immunizations each year to prevent getting the influenza. We even go so far as to stay away from friends and relatives when they are ill. A lot of places you visit will now have a pump-bottle of hand sanitizer on the counter for visitors to use. I've seen this frequently at doctors offices and even grocery stores. Dietary supplements are at the top of a lot of peoples grocery lists each week. We read articles about how to keep ourselves healthy. But, while we know that a balanced and nutritious diet is important, we don't all know which foods are specifically geared toward keeping our immune systems boosted and able to withstand the germs that can so easily lay us up with illness. The focus of this report is to present you with some of the important immune-boosting superfoods you can easily include in your weekly eating plan.

Do you regularly eat Brazil Nuts? You should try them! They are loaded with selenium. If you want a good source of selenium, Brazil Nuts are considered one of the best. Free radicals are blocked from causing cell deterioration by selenium. Infections, heart disease, and cancer are also conditions that selenium can protect you against. Selenium is very aggressive in fighting a particular bacteria that tries to take over your gut. There are many dishes you prepare that would lend themselves to having Brazil Nuts added. You can also toss them into the salad that you are eating. Brazil Nuts are perfect to snack on plain. If you want to be healthy and have a super powered immune system, you need to be drinking tea. Obviously when you want to stay healthy, you need to drink a lot of fluids. In order to keep your T Cells healthy so they can do their job, you need to increase the interferon your body produces. You can do this simply by drinking two or three cups of tea daily. What the interferon does is surround the T cells so they cannot be attacked by various germs and bacteria that can lead to illness. It's really not important what kind of tea you drink. However, read about the many delicious herbal teas and take note of the other benefits they offer as well.

Peppermint, a common herb, is a wonderful superfood for strengthening your immune system. It is packed full of magnesium, calcium, and phosphorous. All three of these nutrients contribute to the health of your immune system. A nice advantage of peppermint is that it's easy to add to your diet. Try mint tea. You will find it very relaxing and tasty. Buy those little boxes of snack mints and munch on them. Snip some fresh peppermint into a tossed salad. You will be surprised at how well peppermint seasons meat. Put it in your favorite marinade and see the difference. There are so many ways to use peppermint. It is very versatile. A drop or two of peppermint essential oil in your morning smoothie will liven it up.

When your mucous membranes are healthy and doing their job, they fight infections at their onset. Switch from your normal junk food salty snacks to sunflower seeds. They make a great replacement. Try sprinkling sunflower seeds (without the shells) in your salad. This will help your immune system and increase the amount of protein your salad contains. It makes sense why sunflower seeds are one of nature's superfoods for strengthening your immune system.

Work out three to five times a week, without fail. It's recommended that the amount of water you drink is calculated like this: divide your weight in half and then consume that number of ounces each day. For instance, if you weight 100 pounds, you would want to drink at least 50 ounces of pure water daily. Get rid of junk food in your life and eat a balanced, nutritious diet of healthy foods. Nevertheless, the best idea - in order to prevent illness from striking - is to include immune-strengthening superfoods in your meal plan. We've talked about a few of them in this article. A little bit of homework will turn up plenty more!

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