Do You Want to Strengthen Your Immune System? Learn About These Superfoods

By Bernie Harkema

We all know that in order to have a healthy body, you must follow some logical guidelines. You need to make sure that you get enough exercise. You need to make sure you drink enough water. It's very important to eat only healthy foods and to balance your diet. Even if you follow the steps above, there may be a time when you need to supercharge your immune system. During the change of seasons, are you feeling a little under the weather? No doubt you have been told that there are superfoods that can power up your immune system. Are there really foods such as these? We're delighted to report that there are, indeed, such superfoods. Below we will talk about some of the superfoods you can eat weekly that will help boost your immune system.

Pork chops may not be the first food that comes to mind when someone is discussing superfoods, but it can be very beneficial to maintaining a healthy immune system. Of course, this won't impress vegans or vegetarians, but it's a fact, nevertheless. Just 6-ounces of pork chops per day can reverse rapid weight loss when it isn't desirable. When someone is ill, they tend to lose weight. If the sick person eats pork chops, this weight loss can be avoided. Some folks might groan at the thought of eating pork chops every day. We benefit from pork chops because they contain significant amounts of selenium, a natural antioxidant. This is a great cancer fighter. Pork chops are very versatile and can be prepared in numerous ways. You certainly won't become tired of pork chops with all the variety available.

An easy way to get more vitamins, minerals, and fluids in your system, as well as perking up your immune system, is to drink vegetable juice. If you've ever paid attention to the V-8 Juice commercials, you know how healthy it is to drink veggie juices. Believe what they told you, because it's true. Of course, buying and drinking V-8 Juice isn't the only thing you can do. Many folks have bought a juicer and make their own juices. This way you can control the ingredients and make sure that you like the taste of what you are drinking. Please note that this is one of the best ways to help make sure you get enough water and enough vitamins and nutrients to keep you from getting sick, all at the same time.

Salmon has been touted as one of the great superfoods for many reasons. One of the benefits of eating salmon is its ability to optimize your immune system. As you no doubt know, some fish - and especially salmon - contain protein and omega-3 fatty acids. These are two substances that are critical to help you maintain your best health. Strong muscles, which come from adequate protein in your diet, help you fight many diseases. There are bacteria and germs that invade our body and cause illness. Omega-3s fight these invaders to protect our health from Omega-6s. A good goal to shoot for is to consume salmon twice each week. It's best if you can eat salmon three times a week, but you might find it difficult to include it in your meal plan that often. Try having it for lunch sometimes or, if you truly cannot manage three meals of salmon, stick to twice per week.

Your mucous membranes, if they are healthy, fight the onset of any infections. If you replace your normal salty snacks with sunflower seeds, you will be able to easily incorporate them into your diet. You can perk up the protein in your salads by sprinkling a handful of the meat from the sunflower seeds on top. It's easy to see why sunflower seeds are important for your immune system and thought of as one of nature's superfoods. Each day new foods are being discovered that have the ability to strengthen your immune system. They're known as superfoods. This discussion of three of the immune-boosting superfoods is a good place to start building up your immune system. Use these to form the foundation of your new immune boosting diet. It won't take much time to do a little more research and discover many more superfoods to help you maintain your health.

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