Effortless Ways Of Controlling Urinary Incontinence

By Enid Hinton

Urinary incontinence is basically defined as loss of control over your bladder. It is exhibited by minor leakages or total loss of bladder content. Depending on the cause, a patient may be described as temporarily or terminally ill. This condition is common to people at old age. Experts have suggested several ways of controlling urinary incontinence.

Exercises- the exercises can be used by both men and women regardless of their age. They are aimed at strengthening pelvic floor muscles which support and hold your bladder. Weakness of these muscles is the main cause of leakage. The exercise involves pretending to stop urine flow by pulling in and squeezing those muscles for up to ten minutes. This routine is repeated about ten times in a day.

Just like building biceps, exercises take a while to deliver results. On average, you will experience change within six weeks. Do not stop the exercise until you have regained full control of your bladder. No special equipment are required and these exercises can be conducted anywhere without attracting unnecessary attention.

Scheduled visits to the toilet- create a habit of going to the bathroom after several hours whether the bladder is full or not. This schedule will be picked by the brain and naturalized. Your bladder will adapt to this schedule and only release urine at a particular time.

Quit smoking and loose weight- Weight is considered a contributor to the incontinence. Smokers also are on the high risk end of developing this condition. Doctors recommend that by reducing your weight and giving-up the puff, you will regain control of your bladder and the comfort that comes with it.

Keep off alcohol and caffeine- bladder muscles are weakened by alcohol with caffeine increasing the urge to pass urine. Experts advise anyone with urinary incontinence to avoid the two and their bi-products. Alcohol is known to impair judgment meaning that you will not recognize when your bladder is full and will therefore delay the visit to the toilet. This will lead to leakage.

Medication- there are medical prescription that help you in controlling bladder functions. This requires the intervention of your physician after numerous tests. The physician must identify if your condition is caused by pregnancy, obesity, age, excess alcohol consumption or smoking. It means that the medication will be administered alongside other control measures.

Diagnosis is a challenge considering that there are several possible causes of the urinary incontinence. The doctor will require a patient to keep a diary and record all fluid consumed, frequency and the number of times he or she looses control of the bladder. Ultra sound and physical examinations are also carried out.

The condition comes with other secondary symptoms that you should be aware of. They include skin infections that arise out of prolonged dampness of the pelvic region. This may spread to other areas in the body. The other risks are infections on the urinary track.

There is no form of urinary incontinence that is not manageable. These include the overflow, stress and urge varieties. You should not be embarrassed considering that a large population experiences the condition with varying degrees of severity. There are excellent products like specialized under wears and medication to provide comfort. Consult your physician on your best option.

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