How To Be Happy And Healthy: 7 Powerful Tips For Mid-Life Professionals

Many professionals reading this will be able to identify with that sense of "is this all there is?" "Have I worked so long and hard until now just to experience these frustrations, this sense of worry, this lack of fulfillment, these crazy hours, this much unrelenting pressure and stress? Do I really want the remainder of my life to comprise more of the same"?

Based on my own experience of hitting this type of mid-life challenge, I want to share 7 powerful tips on how to be happy and healthy.
  1. Relax the mind. The best way I have found to do this is through meditation. Meditation is no longer something you have to travel to Tibet for! Quietness and a simple 15 minute audio track every day is all it takes to realize some amazing benefits including clearer and more creative thinking, deeper and more refreshing sleep, better stress tolerance and a more balanced perspective on life.
  2. Feel grateful about life. When we are grateful for what we already have, we attract more to be grateful about. Gratitude is the fastest way to feel wealthy but you have to develop and use it, rather like a muscle. Keep a gratitude journal or simply think through 10 things you're grateful for every day and watch yourself feel happier.
  3. Drink 2-3 litres of good quality water every day. Each of the 50 trillion cells in your body needs water to provide it with basic electro energy. Fruit juices, coffee, alcohol and energy drinks don't count: it's water you need. Good quality water means water that is filtered and slightly alkaline with a pH of 7.5 or more. Most bottled waters now show the pH value on the label.
  4. Exercise for alkalinity. As for meditation, there are so many benefits arising from alkalizing exercise. It's also the best way to ward off the effects of ageing. Exercising for alkalinity involves spending 20-30 minutes a day at between 60-80% of your maximum heart rate (which is roughly 220 minus your age). Find a form of exercise that works for you, is fun to do and within 21 days you'll become addicted to the benefits!
  5. Nurture your relationships. Whatever your personality preferences, we are all social animals and need meaningful contact with others. An experience shared is an experience magnified. It's not about feeling that we should have a large circle of friends but that we can share significant feelings and thoughts with people who are important to us.
  6. Caring and random acts of kindness. Genuinely caring for others makes us feel good, so look for opportunities to help and make a difference, however small and seemingly insignificant, every day.
  7. Get into flow as often as possible. When we are in "flow", time seems to stand still and we become totally absorbed in the moment. If you can get into flow at work, then the chances are that what you are doing is highly satisfying and rewarding. Therefore, look for every opportunity to get into flow.
Experiencing how to be happy and healthy as a mid-life professional is much easier than you think and the above tips will very soon become simple habits for life.
Andrew Bridgewater is a Chartered Psychologist and author of "The Purpose Of Life Is Happiness: An Inspirational Journey For Mid-Life Professionals". To download your copy at 50% off for a limited time only, go to

1 comment:

  1. You are right that Fruit juices, coffee, alcohol and energy drinks don't count: it's water we need. Our body depends on water.

    Kopi Luwak
