Using Dental Appliances For Sleep Apnea

By Marcie Goodman

Dental appliances for sleep apnea have been used for over ten years now, and their effectiveness has been proved. There are different forms of this disorder. Oral devices help alleviate 'obstructive' apnea, caused by airway obstruction, although they are really designed to stop snoring. There are some lifestyle changes that can help this disorder, although medical diagnosis and treatment are recommended.

People who suffer from this condition actually stop breathing for ten seconds or longer while they are asleep. Severe cases may cause many interruptions of the inhalation-exhalation cycle every minute. Deep, restful slumber is impossible under these conditions, and a sufferer gradually gets more fatigued, may be sleepy during the day, and can find daily tasks difficult. Those afflicted may become aggressive, or merely irritable, and may develop depression.

A small number of cases of apnea are caused by brain malfunction, but most are throat and airway blockages. The last is 'obstructive' and can be treated with oral appliances as a first response. This use of a device that fits over the teeth is recommended by sleep therapy professionals.

One major cause of airway obstruction when reclining is obesity. Grossly overweight people often have many health concerns, including breathing problems, which are aggravated by disrupted sleep. Excess weight and a lack of muscle tone cause the soft tissue that lines the airways to collapse upon itself, cutting off normal breathing. Weight loss and supervised exercise are recommended as part of the treatment, as well as stopping smoking and avoiding alcohol.

Serious diseases like heart problems or those which cause chronic pain can be complicated by apnea, which can be caused by some medications. The brain is affected by sleeping disruption, and patients exhibit a variety of symptoms, making diagnosis more difficult. Some people suffer memory loss, some have difficulty in concentrating, and others may find routine tasks hard to perform. This affects daily living, job performance, and total health.

The oral devices designed to control snoring fit over the teeth and work by advancing the lower jaw slightly. This opens up the upper airway, reducing snoring. It also is effective at keeping the airway from collapsing on itself. There are many different FDA-approved devices on the market. Go online to see how the devices work, the different ways they can be adjusted to give a good fit, and the guarantees of satisfaction that manufacturers offer. Materials used vary from medicals grades to those which use FDA-approved plastics that are BPA and latex free.

People who have this condition generally are totally unaware that they stop breathing over and over again. It's usually another person in the household who notices the disturbing pattern. A complete diagnosis involves spending nights st a clinic while being observed by doctors and monitored by electronic diagnostic tools.

Dental appliances for sleep apnea can be found online under the name of this disorder and also under 'help with snoring'. Not getting enough sleep is a problem in its own right, but it worsens other conditions as well. Those who suspect they suffer from this disorder should seek medical help. The use of a mouthpiece is often the first step in treatment. Lifestyle changes will make any health restoring program more effective.

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