Crucial Information On Water Testing Labs

By Judy Sullivan

Contamination is rife in many water-bodies around the world. This has resulted in the presence of fungi, viruses and bacteria which can be harmful and therefore a health hazard. Partly, contamination can be blamed on international firms which carelessly dump their waste in the waters so as to avoid the cost that comes along with the treatment of such waste and the correct disposal procedures. Many environmental groups have cried foul and demanded for the streamlining of the policies touching on industrial waste disposal. To arrest the spread of water-borne diseases, various authorities have established water testing labs.

There are various mineral elements found in the water-sources. These elements easily react with water and therefore a deposit of the minerals mix and contaminate the waters. Lead is common in many piping systems and therefore posing a health risk. Many tests have come out positive for the presence of lead. Regular monitoring procedures should always include lead tests.

The test results arrived at help the analysts to understand better the system as a whole unlike gaining knowledge on an individual household. Raw-water is not safe for human consumption and therefore one has to rely on the use of pitchers and faucets to filter off unwanted matter. The many counterfeit product in the market make it difficult for one to pinpoint the genuine filter.

Detecting quality problems is an easy process. Factors to look out for include the color, odor and whether any stains occur on clothes washed using this commodity. Contamination easily occurs if the well is too near a septic system. If this is the case, one has to carry out regular checks on the septic systems so as to ensure they are not leaking.

After carrying out the tests, many laboratories have to file their findings with the federal, state or tribal water agencies that are responsible for monitoring public water systems. They have a requirement to report any contaminants found and recommend best ways of ensuring safety of this commodity. The quality engineers have to generate an annual consumer confidence report that is distributed to all stakeholders. Its key contents include the technician findings and the possible health effects.

The engineers responsible for quality have to ensure that the records are constantly updated on any new findings. These makes it easier for any new technician to have some background understanding of the tests carried out so far and therefore lay the basis for future tests. Harmful bacteria such as total coliform bacteria have to be well tested for as any oversight on the part of the technicians can result in the spread of water-borne diseases.

If the family is expecting a new baby, tests for presence of nitrates should be carried out during pregnancy, before the infant is brought home from the hospital and during the first half year of the young ones life. The test is most effective if carried out during summer or spring that is after a rainy period.

Mineral salts like manganese, chloride and iron are some of the elements the water testing labs should test for. They are solvent and can therefore easily corrode into the system. Tests ought to be repeated at least once in three years. Volatile organic compounds are dangerous and therefore harmful to once health. These tests are expensive hence are carried out only when necessary.

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