The Relevance Of Clodronate Liposome In Medical Science

By Roxanne Cruz

Before, thousands of residents die because certain medicine or vaccination was not yet available in the market. However, due to the discoveries of these geniuses, curing the once deadly diseases are now possible. Since medical science plays a very fascinating role in medicine science, clodronate liposome was discovered, accidentally. Because of the great role it plays in curing and treating diseases, it will surely be of great importance to medical science.

Clodronate also known as clodronate disodium and clodronic acid is a first generation non nitrogenous bisphosphonate. It is a drug scientifically approved, tested, and used to prevent and treat the cases of osteoporosis especially to the women who have reached the post menopausal period. It is also used in the experimental medicine to deplete macrophages.

Macrophages are white blood cells found inside the tissue. They produced through the division of white blood cells that was formed in the spleen and bone marrow or monocytes. They eat foreign and cell particles after its formation. Macrophage is said to be the core of the immune system.

In cell biology, liposomes are the tiny bubble which are composed of fatty sacs with liquid inside. These are used in both research and experiment in cell biology. It is filled with drugs that are used to cure cancer and different diseases. It is filled with liquid and phospholipids.

Clodronate liposome is a discovery which functions to suppress the macrophage. It is true that immune system fights bacteria and viruses. Through various steps so called the immune response, the system attacks these infectious invaders that may cause disease. But at the same time, this system could also be a culprit in the human body.

In natural circumstances, the healthy immune system will cope diseases up like coughs and colds. In the contrary, the damaged system will attack every cells it will eat each particles, both the healthy and damaged. When this doom happens, severe illnesses will take place affecting the body from functioning well.

The system protects the body from foreign invasion, as mentioned earlier. However, it will also create damages resulted by transplant rejection. This rejection happens when a a newly transplanted organ was placed in the body. As this happens, the system will attack the cells forcefully leading to rejection. One of the effects of the rejection is the autoimmune disorder or the identification of healthy cells wrongly and trying to fight off them because they thought that they are foreign.

Because of these cases that will damage the body defense against harmful organisms, doctors and scientists fumbled upon the discovery of liposome. This medicine is made of bisphosphonate that will help lessen the quantity of macrophage. As soon as macrophage detects that this drug transported inside the body is foreign, it will automatically engulf it whole through phagocytosis.

Clodronate liposome is said to treat cancer through the increase absorption of plasma. It also improves the effects of anti tumor drugs to treat cancer. Even if this discovery is really fascinating, consult the medical doctor first before deciding to take this drug. This is for your safety, after all.

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