Kettlebell workouts are the most refreshing way to build strength and burn fat

By Chris Rivers

Kettlebell workouts are a great way to get fit, tone up, and lose that unwanted fat belly, but one thing that really stands out and makes kettlebells the fastest growing workout routine around today is that this one piece of equipment is so versatile.

consider this for a moment; what other single fitness apparatus can give you a full body workout, engaging all major and minor muscle groups in as little as 20 minutes? Add into that the fact that you burn more calories per a minute doing a kettle bell workout than any other training regime available today. And what's more you get one bad ass cardiovascular session to really put the cherry on the cake.

Exercises are different from dumbbell exercises. When lifting a bell, you need to follow the right technique using your strength. Performing regular exercises with the kettlebell - light to medium in weight - this can help you build the power in various parts of the body, as well as increase your body's overall stamina. Kettle bells come with offset center of gravity and because of this, your body is subjected to maintaining the balance, which is not only helpful in improving balance but is also helpful in strengthening the muscles all over the body, including the heart.

A great benefit of this type of training and one of its most appealing features is that it's very cheap to get started off training. You're never going to have to break the bank to get in shape again. Kettlebells can be bought from around 15 for an 8kg for women and around 28 for a 16kg for men; and these weights are genuinely considered great starter weights as they are not to heavy or to light.

Surprisingly and unlike other fitness programmes kettle bell training is very moreish, this is mainly due to the fact that the workouts don't take forever to complete, are a personal challenge to you and can be done every ware and anywhere imaginable. Because of their unique size and exercises you are not limited to just training at home or in the gym; if the sun is shining get out there into the fresh air and swing your kettle bell, you'll be amazed at how refreshing and therapeutic it really can be.

You don't have to limit yourself to the same old boring workouts like before if you get a kettlebell, you can at last enjoy getting fit and looking good for minimal outlay but being assured of ultimate results.

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