5 Tips For Successful Weight Loss

By Barb Taylor

Losing weight is not easy. Everyday thousands of people start a new weight loss program. Most will quit before ever seeing results. There are some things you can do to avoid sabotaging your weight loss, such as:

Overestimating Calories Burned

Calorie expenditure tables are a common method used to calculate the number of calories burned while working out. Problem is that these tables are typically inaccurate.

Relying on these tables can be detrimental to your weight loss because they tend to significantly over estimate the number of calories burned during a workout.

If you want an accurate picture of the calories you burned off during a workout investing in a high quality heart monitor would be a wise choice.

Not Lifting Weights

When developing an exercise plan for weight loss be sure to include both cardio and strength training. Lifting weights strengthens and tones muscles, which helps to increase your metabolism and burn fat.

If you are doing everything you should be doing and still not losing weight add in some strength training. You might be surprised by what a difference it makes in your results.

Excessive Drinking

Drinking alcohol will cause your body to burn less fat, because it will begin working to process and eliminate the alcohol first.

Not only does alcohol alter your bodys normal digestion process, it also stimulates hunger causing you to eat more.

In addition to slowing down your bodys ability to burn fat, alcohol is packed with calories and has absolutely no nutritional value.

Cutting Back On Meals

Skipping meals is never a good idea. This is especially true when trying to lose weight.

When your body goes without food for long periods of time your metabolism begins to slow down.

When you skip meals and allow yourself to become hungry, chances are you will reach for an unhealthy snack to fill the void

To avoid this, dont skip a meal instead eat 5 or six mini meals daily. This will provide the energy you need for the day and prevent you from indulging in unhealthy and unnecessary snacking. The key to making this work is not exceeding your total daily calorie count for all meals combined.

Anticipating Immediate Results

A lot of people are unsuccessful in their weight loss attempts because they have unrealistic expectations. It is not uncommon to see peoples weight loss goals set at 25 to 30 pounds per month.

Healthy weight loss does not happen in an instant. It is a process that requires time effort & commitment. Healthy weight loss is considered between one and two pounds each week.

Those who lose weight at this rate, tend to be more successful at keeping it off longer.

Being aware of things that can hinder your weight loss is key. These weight loss tips can be an instrumental part of a long term successful weight loss plan.

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