Discover The Facts About How A Kent WA Chiropractic Office Helps Auto Accident Injury Sufferers Cope

By Clayton Maske

Serious injuries can occur to the driver or passenger in an automobile accident. Pain ranging from moderate to excruciating may be the result. For accident victims, help can be administered at Kent Chiropractic.

The first office visit will be devoted to an analysis and assessment of the injury. A discussion and your description of how you feel is important. Next a physical exam is done.

The area of concern is examined and the place where the pain originates is identified. Range-of-motion, the way you walk and your reflexes are usually tested. In many cases an x-ray will help to make a thorough assessment.

Manual adjustments to the spine are the major method of care in many cases. If appropriate, your chiropractor will schedule a series of office appointments to administer them. Adjunctive care, mild exercise or massage for example, are some possible additions.

Pain may be experienced in other parts of the body due to a spinal injury. All the delicate nerve roots are located along the spine. Compression to one of these nerves can result in significant pain.

The individual who suffers a rear-end collision in a car crash is often afflicted with whiplash. This results in injury to the neck and it may become impossible to turn the head from side to side. The injury may be severe even when the car is traveling at a slow speed.

The traditional method of care is a series of manual adjustments. A cervical collar is sometimes used to stabilize the head for a few days. A lack of movement, for example sitting immobile for a week, is not advisable.

An injury to the neck or spine should not usually require extended bed rest. Your chiropractor will advise you on how much rest is required. Your office visits for manual adjustments can alleviate the pain you are suffering. After a time, you may be returning to work and the recreational activities enjoyed before the accident occurred.

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