How To Feel Better And Improve Your Health

By Monica B. Nice

Life can sometimes get on top of you and make you feel as if you have no hope and as a result you can start to feel depressed and powerless. But you may be feeling depressed but you are not powerless.If you want to begin to feel better then first you need to just put your worries aside for a second.I know it's easier said than done but just trust me on this one.Get a pen and paper and write down the things that you have in your life to be grateful for. Even if it's as simple as running water, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, eyes to be able to read this etc, etc. Keep writing until you can't think of anything else that you have to be grateful for. Have a think about this and think about how lucky you are to have these things.

[How To Feel Better]

What makes it challenging when you go to the doctor not feeling well and you're told there's nothing wrong with you is that you know there is something wrong, but the tests just aren't picking it up.You see, there isn't a distinct line between health and disease. In most cases, it's a gradual process. You don't go from healthy to having a disease overnight, unless you came in contact with something that causes an immediate reaction. Most of the time, there are shades of gray where you're not healthy, but you're not sick enough for the tests medical science has available to detect it.

Don't despair. There is hope.Just because someone tells you there's nothing wrong with you and you feel lousy, doesn't mean you have to believe them.Even though a doctor may have told you that you'll just have to learn to live with it, doesn't mean you do.for example norma's story,She was overweight, bloated and her body retained water. No matter how hard she tried, she could not lose weight. Dieting didn't help. Neither did regular exercise.

How are you feeling today? Would you like to feel better tomorrow? If so, here's some good news: You can feel great in just 24 hours by making small changes in your diet and lifestyle.These changes don't require you to do anything extraordinary. In fact, these are the little rules that we know we need to live by for optimal health and happiness, but which get shoved aside by our daily routines.Try them out for a day, and feel the difference,Start Your Day Off Right.Look at your usual breakfast choices. Could they be healthier? Do you skip breakfast in an effort to save calories, or because you don't like to eat first thing in the morning? Your breakfast kicks off your metabolism for the day. If you run on empty all morning, your metabolism will slow to a crawl. You'll also find yourself starving by lunchtime, making it more likely that you'll overeat.Give your morning a healthy start by preparing a nutritious breakfast of turkey bacon, eggs, and fresh strawberries.

Keep your chin up because you have plenty to be grateful for it's just sometimes hard to see this when you are feeling down. When you start believing that you can feel better you will start feeling better.Start with a smile, just a little one and then feel it deep inside your soul till you're grinning like a Cheshire cat. Smiling helps shift your emotions and your mood. You deserve to feel better, the fact that you're reading this tells me you want to. So go on, enjoy yourself do something fun.

How does this work? When you have food sensitivities, your body is unable to completely digest the foods to which you are sensitive. The partially digested foods pass into your bloodstream and your immune system treats them as foreign invaders, like bacteria and viruses. It attacks them, causing an inflammatory reaction. As long as you continue to eat foods to which you are sensitive, you will continue to cause more and more inflammation to develop in your body and your health will decline.

Be thankful for everything that you take for granted. Caught in drizzle? Be thankful that you have an umbrella. No umbrella? Be thankful that you can run and take cover. Nowhere to take cover? Be thankful that you can run! Remember, there are many who cannot.Always compare yourself with people who are less fortunate than yourself. I don't mean just moneywise or healthwise. Whatever your situation be, there will be others who are in a worse place. Appreciate the merits of your situation.

The most frustrating part of food sensitivities is that most people don't know they have them because the reaction to the food occurs anywhere from three hours to three days after eating it. The symptoms they cause can be almost anything. The most common are digestive problems, headaches, migraines, joint pain and stiffness, arthritis, chronic fatigue, skin disorders, ADD/ADHD and more.

How do you find out if you have food sensitivities? You can do it on your own by following an elimination diet. However, this way can be very challenging and take a long, long time.The best way to find out is to get tested. "The ALCAT Test is the most effective and comprehensive sensitivity/intolerance test available. It is the only test shown to correlate with clinical symptoms by double blind oral challenges, the gold standard."Note: This is not a substitute for medical advice. If you have health problems, consult your physician.

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1 comment:

  1. Yes!!! this trye that when you start believing that you can feel better you will start feeling better.

    Mangosteen Juice
