A New Start Is Possible With Sobriety House Asheville

By Vicki Diaz

Over the last 30 years, since the inception of MADD, society has been increasingly focused on impaired drivers. Given the carnage on the national highway system, this was an inevitable and reasonable result. It does not address the underlying problem of alcohol dependence, which comes with a host of problems. Recovering from the disease requires societal help such as the sobriety house Asheville.

Most people have a preconceived notion of what an alcoholic looks like; the unkempt panhandler at the street corner panhandling. The reality, and the cause for concern, is that anyone one comes in contact with throughout the day could be alcohol dependent. It is not possible to identify someone with the disease by looking at them or even interacting with them.

The definition of alcoholism is somewhat vague, encompassing a compulsive nature of consumption to the detriment to health and social relationships for the user. One of the problems with defining the condition is that it varies so greatly. Someone who consumes a seemingly minor amount of alcohol can still have changes in the brain and body as a result.

The physical effects can take the form of failing organs, and manifest by serious problems with withdrawal. The mental side is the uncontrollable desire to consume alcohol even knowing the costs in health relationships and resources. The efficient businessman who is a regular at the upscale bar is as affected as the homeless woman panhandling for cash.

Self detection is exceedingly difficult, and many experts state that if one worries that they may be becoming dependent, they probably already are, and the time to act is immediate. Total abstinence is the only sure way to prevent a decline from social drinking to dependence, but if one is concerned, they can stop for three months as a check. If the idea causes any alarm, the individual is already at serious risk.

In American society, the promotion of alcohol is ubiquitous, one can hardly avoid it during a normal day anywhere. From billboards, radio and television the many varied types of alcoholic beverages are touted, and with the exception of the mandatory admonition to please drink responsibly, little is mention of the devastating possible consequences.

Self realization that the problem is real and must be addressed is one of the most difficult parts. Getting completely sober can take more than a week in some cases, and after becoming sober the decision that one really wants to end the dependence can be even harder. Without these two steps, however, the individual will not be able to stop drinking, as no external force can truly end the behavior.

For some, though they are loath to admit it, even the first step of sobering up can be a painful experience best accomplished with medical help. After the drug is completely out of the system, finding a place that is safe for recovery, with supportive associates, can be even more difficult. That is when places like the sobriety house Asheville can be absolutely critical to the recovery process, helping to prevent a relapse which would mean starting over again.

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