The Perks Of An Adult Tricycle

By Nancy Scott

Getting fit while having fun is a summer tradition. The cold weather is gone, the sun is out and the rain has faded. This combination almost requires outside activities. It is something most people look forward to for months. For those that are not in the best of shape, the thought of exercising might bring up some anxiety or cause hesitation. By riding an adult tricycle, you can get out and enjoy the weather without worry about turning exercise into a job or something that you won't enjoy.

Getting fit is much easier in the summer. Since the weather is nice and the rain is gone, along with snow and colder days, there is no excuse for staying indoors hibernating anymore. Getting out to play sports, having a bar-b-que, or tossing a Frisbee are all part of this fun. Going for rides is something that you can do individually or in a group.

Many people give up exercise because it isn't much fun. In fact, that's the number one reason that most people stop trying to get in shape. It's just too hard. To make it worthwhile, you need to enjoy what you're doing and it needs to be easy enough that you don't dread or fear doing it. Riding on bikes or trikes will help you get fit while having fun and eliminating any dread about exercising that you may have.

Intimidation stops people in their tracks. Being afraid of riding a bike stops many adults from trying it as a fun exercise. They're afraid they'll forget how to do it, or that they'll be humiliated by falling over in front of friends. Riding a trike eliminates these fears and makes it much easier to have the same kind of fun. With three wheels, you are stable and won't fall over. You can even keep your feet on the pedals when you come to a stop, making it much easier to coordinate than a two-wheel bike.

You should be comfortable when you ride. Ten-speeds are made for speed and require the rider to hunch over for maximum effect. That's not a very comfortable position for most people who just want to get out for a ride. Instead, the tricycle offers two options that both keep you from being hunched over. You'll be more comfortable and being able to look around while you ride.

The two types are upright and recumbent. The first one allows you to sit tall on the trike with the pedals directly beneath you. The second is designed for you to sit low to the ground and back in a bucket seat. This gives you more comfort, allows you to go faster, and ride longer. The pedals are out in front of you so the way you ride will take some practice, but you won't fall over.

Going on a group tour is a lot of fun. If you don't have friends or family that ride, or even if you do, joining a group tour is a great way to go for a ride and see things you would otherwise miss. Rather than just riding around your neighborhood, a tour takes you down a road or path with scenic views in a group that signed up just for that.

You need to enjoy your exercise in order to stick with it. Most do not have the discipline to stick with a routine if it is not fun and enjoyable. Going for a ride gives you great cardio style workouts while having fun and seeing the world around you.

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