Basics Concerning Gastric Banding And Sleeve Gastrectomy

By Ryan Meyer

Bariatric surgery refers to an operation that is done with the objective of losing weight. Many different forms of this operation exist in New York but the principle under which they work is the same. These operations are done to reduce the volume of the stomach which effectively reduces the amount of food that can be consumed at a given point in time. Less nutrients are absorbed and over time, weight loss sets int. There are a few things regarding gastric banding and sleeve gastrectomy you should know.

There are two main types of surgeries that can be used when fixing the silicone band. One of them, the open technique, involves making a surgical incision that runs the entire length of the abdomen. Through this incision, the surgeon can place the band directly before closing the incision using surgical sutures. This method is, however, being dropped in favor of the less invasive laparoscopic technique.

The operations that can be used for the placement of the band are of two main types: the open procedure and the laparoscopy technique. The open procedure involves the use of a large incision running from the pubic region to the epigastric region. The stomach is visualized directly before band placement is done. The laparoscopic technique, on the other hand, uses very small openings known as ports. An instrument known as a laparoscope is used under the guidance of a camera.

The magnitude of compression varies from one patient to another depending on their condition. A higher degree of compression is likely to be used if the patient is obese with associated medical complications. A plastic tubing is usually connected to the tubing and one end can be accessed from an area under the skin. The tube allows for adjustments to compression force to be made. Injection of water in the tubing increases the compression and withdrawing reduces it.

You should anticipate a number of complications when you undergo this procedure. Those that are seen commonly include excessive blood loss, injury to internal structures, nausea and vomiting among others. Vomiting and nausea are likely to ensue if the degree of compression is too much. Reducing the compression resolves these symptoms in most cases. The risk of infections is reduced through the administration of antibiotics.

Just like banding, gastrectomy can be performed either through the open technique or laparoscopically. The procedure itself involves the reduction of stomach volume by surgically removing a portion of it. An incision is made along the greater length of the stomach and as much as 80% is removed leaving behind a very small part that can hold just an ounce of food. The resultant shape looks like a sleeve hence the name.

The tubular structure of the stomach after the operation reduces the transit time of food considerably. This means that less nutrients are absorbed and this is what all bariatric operations aim to achieve. Side effects that may arise from gastrectomy are similar to those that are seen with the banding procedure. Those that may relate to gastrectomy only include food leakage and the loss of stitches or staples.

The ideal candidate of bariatric surgery is an individual who has tried out other methods of weight loss but has been unsuccessful. Such include regular exercise and eating a diet that has less carbohydrates and fat. The body mass index should ideally be more than 40. Persons with weight-related complications may have the surgery regardless of their body mass index.

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