How To Feel Like A Kid Again

By Richardo Manning

You are never too old to become a kid again. Every grown up wants to relive their glory days or redo their embarrassing days. But when you are a kid, none of that matters and you just want to have fun. Don't let your made-rules of adult propriety hold you back from becoming the kid inside of you again.

Whether it be your favorite golden oldies, your favorite childhood novel, television program or movie, take the time to go back and listen, read, or watch it. Memories will flood back to you of your time as a child. You will remember the people in your life that influenced you to like what you did and realize how much of an impact they have had on your life.

Before you let your kid jump in, check out the bouncy house first. There are several things to look for. First, check out the surroundings. If a bouncy house is too close to a wall, a house, a cotton candy stand, or whatever else, safety nets might stop a flying body before it hits one of these solid objects. Second, make sure the bouncy house is staked securely to the ground. Outdoor bouncy houses have been known to be caught up in big bursts of wind and flown off, people and all. Third, look for an inspection sticker. Only a handful of states actually require inspections, but if you do find a sticker, you can feel more secure about letting your kid in.

Establish Rules

If you are willing to pay the big bucks, you can go to a place where everyone is treated like princes and princesses. Find the kid inside of you at theme parks like Universal or Walt Disney World through riding rides and meeting old favorite characters. Age doesn't matter when it comes to dreams coming true.

The best way to teach your child how to have fun by not just playing video games or watching mindless television is to lead by example. Even if you are not a professional baseball player, playing a game of catch with your son can make a huge difference in his life. He sees that you aren't wasting time inside watching television at all hours of the day and he will strive to do the same.

Nothing transforms a rational adult human being into a blubbering baby faster than a puppy or a kitten. Quit resisting the temptation and adopt one already, you'll feel the effects instantaneously.

These are just a few of the tips that can help you reconnect with the kid inside you. Don't let it get harder for you as you grow up to remember and reminisce on your childhood.

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