How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - Four Best Home Remedies To Remove Cellulite

By Fausto Sueda

Cellulite is a condition in which small fat deposits are trapped in the skin. This gives the skin a lumpy, dimpled appearance as a result of the damage caused on the collagen and connective tissues. The resulting dimpling is normally irregular and inconsistent, making it difficult to get rid of. However, there are various natural methods that can give best results if used effectively.

Many factors may give rise to this condition. Among the most common causes of cellulite include poor diet, imbalance of hormones, weight gain, lack of or insufficient exercises, genetic factors and inactive lifestyle. Caution should always be exercised when selecting a method of treatment as there many scammers out offering ineffective and otherwise harmful treatment methods. However, for your sake, there are several natural ways that can help eliminate cellulite.

Exercise - Doing exercises like aerobics, cycling, and yoga will effectively improve the connective tissues since the activity will make you burn off excess fats. You can also start doing strength training at least three times a week, this will be effective since it will help build muscle which will help in improving body composition.

Diet - A combination of exercise with healthy eating habits or diet gives immense results according to health experts. A reduction in sugar and saturated fat intake is the most important step in cellulite reduction. You can replace these with fresh vegetables, and other foods lashing with nutrients. Generally, a diet low in fat and rich in fiber is the most appropriate. It is also crucial to ensure that the diet contains vitamin B, essential fatty acids, Glucosamine, and major building block of collagen fiber, which will reduce cellulite.

Change of lifestyles - When in a cellulite reduction regimen it is crucial to cut back on several once pleasurable things, these include cigarettes, coffee and alcohol. These are some of the items that increase the generation of free radicals, which puts much pressure on the lymphatic system. Due to the pressure the lymphatic system receives, it is forced to release the toxins hence contributing majorly to cellulite formation.

Fluid retention - It has been proven that fluid retention contributes to cellulite, this call for measures to cut down the intake of fluid retaining components, which include sodium. Drinking eight glasses of water a day is also crucial in that water aids in flushing out toxins in the body via the kidneys and other organs.

One of the major massage treatments in cellulite elimination is the spa reduction. Other forms of massage include endermologie and lymphatic massage, which help drain fluids so as to preserve the functionality of connective tissues.

Laser treatments have been known to lessen the pain of traditional cellulite surgical procedures. There are two types of laser treatments commonly used by cosmetic surgeons and medical practitioners: TriActive and the VelaSmooth light-therapy. TriActive laser therapy combines low-level light treatments with suction treatment of affected skin. The VelaSmooth type of therapy combines laser and massage therapy for effective treatment of cellulite.

Collagenase - This is the presence of enzyme in the body which helps in breaking down collagen that binds tissues. Injection has been shown by studies to effectively help in getting rid of cellulite. This method is however still under trial and it has shown that is can be effective but further studies are still being conducted to make sure that there are no severe side effects or any other reason that may make this method not appropriate. It is however expected that it will be the best way of how to get rid of cellulite in the future.

In summary getting rid of cellulite is not easy, but applying one of the methods or a combination of several guarantees results.

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1 comment:

  1. When in a cellulite reduction regimen it is crucial to cut back on several once pleasurable things, these include cigarettes, coffee and alcohol. These are some of the items that increase the generation of free radicals, which puts much pressure on the lymphatic system.

    Kopi Luwak
